My Journey to Becoming A #GirlBoss


⌛  By Kaylin R. Staten

I listen to #GirlBoss Radio frequently, and I wait (sometimes impatiently) for each Thursday to roll around so I can listen to the next #GirlBoss share her experiences, from the beginning of her career to lessons learned to those wonderful moments that make it all worth it. I have been inspired by Sophia Amoruso and her particular brand of #GirlBoss. Starting an online vintage-clothing company and creating a mega-million-dollar fashion empire is SO inspiring to all of us attempting to carve our own career paths and become thought leaders in our industries.

In her new book, Nasty Galaxy, Sophia delves into her personal life, from her vintage-flaired house to photos of her three dogs. She also interviews other women about their sense of #Girlboss-dom. So, in natural #GirlBoss fashion, I wrote my own to delve more into my own story. Of course, I take no credit for this format, but the writer in me wanted to chronicle my experiences, à la Sophia Amoruso and the entire #GirlBoss brand and theme. 

So, here's a little more about me! 

Kaylin R. Adkins (The future Kaylin R. Adkins-Staten), 

Public Relations Practitioner | Writer | Photographer | Content Creator | Owner and Founder of Hourglass Omnimedia | Author of From Granny's Kitchen

A little girl's ascent to her own brand of #GirlBoss.

How did you start your career? I’ve always been a storyteller, so becoming a writer and photographer came naturally to me. I would play “lip gloss people” and develop these grandiose storylines with my Barbies. As I became older, I used those skills to begin my career as a public-relations practitioner. I have been honing those skills since I was 14, so I began my career at a really early age when I wrote articles for my high-school newspaper and became the eventual editor-in-chief. My career has been growing for 14 years.

What’s your specific brand of #GirlBoss? I was geek-chic before it was in vogue. I’ve always been a “Star Wars” fangirl, so there’s that. I would go to high school and college wearing Princess Leia shirts. So, I’m geeky and girly with a vintage/modern twist.

Did you go to college? Would you recommend it? Why? I graduated summa cum laude with my PR degree from Marshall University in 2010. For my specific career, I would recommend higher education of some level. You have to have some formalized training because it allows you to have a head start at the beginning of your career. You won’t be spinning your wheels. You won’t be recreating the wheel, either. You will be effective at your job and an asset to your employer, right out of the gate.

What was your first job? Besides career-related investments (à la school projects), my first job was at a kiosk at a mall when I was a senior in high school. One of my co-workers was stealing money from the cash register, but she lied to my boss about it. So, my boss thought it was mismanagement on my part, so the goodie-goodie (AKA me) was fired. This was such a learning experience, and it allowed me to learn about people, at their best and worst. It’s also interesting to see where people are who do those types of things, 10 years later, versus where I am in my life. Karma is real.

If you weren’t doing what you do today, what would you want to be doing? I’d want to do something in the criminal justice field (my minor) or be an interior designer.

What do you want to be doing in 10 years? I want to be running a successful business and raising my future children with my future husband, Jared. I want to travel to beautiful places and write more books. I also want to do something to give back to the community, namely with regards to mental-health issues.

What’s the best thing about what you do? I love the flexibility of it, but then also the demanding nature of it. It’s weird because I work well under pressure. I am able to focus on the tasks at hand, which is a huge feat because I have anxiety. I also love growing projects from scratch and then seeing them blossom into their destinies.

What are you excited for when you wake up in the morning? My Colombian coffee and cuddling with my future husband. 

What are you grateful for? God, Jared, family, friends, career, opportunities I have had in my life. Memories I have made and even the rough experiences that have shaped me into who I am. 

What do you absolutely detest but have to do? Anything to do with cars. I will put gas in my car, and that’s about the extent of it. I loathe washing it, cleaning it out, and taking it the garage for maintenance. A necessary evil, but I hate it.

Proudest moment? I’m sure my most proud moments are yet to come (with my children), but one of my best moments to date has been writing and publishing my first book, From Granny’s Kitchen. It meant that I was continuing the legacy of my Granny, one of the most important people in my life. She was the original #GirlBoss of our family and taught me so much. I miss her every day.

What’s the weirdest thing about you? I have too many quirks to really list, so ask the people I know. They will be enlightening, I am sure.

Album/song on repeat? I always listen to “Satellite/Stealing Time” by Above and Beyond because it reminds me of when my fiancé and I started dating.

Which #GirlBoss(es) would you want to have a power lunch with? Carrie Fisher, Kate Mulgrew, Mariska Hargitay, Carrie Underwood, The Dixie Chicks, Dorothy Garland, Sophia Amoruso. 

Do you have a style icon/brand? I’ve been told I have Audrey Hepburn eyebrows, which I take as a huge compliment! I love the classic beauty of Audrey. Brand-wise, I love Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, Chanel, Dior, Michael Kors, Kate Spade. I like whatever I feel comfortable in, name brand or not. And cities inspire me, most notably Paris.

Describe your style in three words. Classic. Refined. Timeless. (I like pieces I can keep forever! Black never goes out of style.)

Biggest advice for aspiring Girlbosses? Never be afraid to just go for it. Keep business and personal separate, as much as possible. Working for and with friends and family can have its own sets of challenges. And don’t get discouraged on the difficult days. They will certainly occur, but just keep living your daydream. Remain confident on even your darkest days. 

What’s next for you? Finishing my house, Rêverie Vale; getting married to the love of my life; continuing to work on amazing projects with Hourglass Omnimedia; traveling to new places; growing as an individual, woman, wife, future mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend, colleague, professional.


Imagine my delight when I heard my below tweet on #GirlBoss Radio! #girlbossmoment, for sure. It's in the 9.29.16 episode, with Yuna as the featured #GirlBoss! Listen here. (It's at the end of the podcast!)

Pick up your copies of #GirlBoss and Nasty Galaxy today! 

Copyright © MMXVI Hourglass Omnimedia, LLC

This post was originally published Nov. 10, 2016.

Kaylin R. Staten is an award-winning public relations practitioner. She owns Hourglass Omnimedia, a consulting company based in Huntington, WV. 

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