Why I Love What I Do

By Kaylin R. Staten

I think most people know that I love what I do. 

I’m the CEO of a company I started from scratch, in my childhood bedroom of my parents’ house with my 18-year-old cat walking all over my rough-draft logo printouts. Since 2015, I’ve been unveiling the hearts of clients’ stories in a variety of strategies and tactics. (This month is our fifth year in business, so pardon me for feeling all of the feels of nostalgia and accomplishment.)

To tell you the truth, being at the helm of your own company sometimes isn’t as glamorous as you would think. I spend a lot of time behind the computer, writing thousands of words that may not seem as polished as they should until after rounds of edits. I spend hours crafting the right strategies for clients. I’m involved in meeting after meeting, both in-person and online. I am a busy bee #behindthehourglass, and to be successful, you have to make communications look incredibly easy and nearly flawless.

I want to say that I have loved every minute of it, but I don’t want to be called a liar. Having your own company is HARD. It has been the most challenging (and rewarding) parts of my professional life to date. With the lows come the highs, and vice versa. The scale must balance, and you will have successes, failures, and everything in between. 

Through it all, though, I LOVE all of it. One of my passions is opening the door for others to find their own passions that could lead to better career and personal opportunities. Here are four reasons I love what I do:

It’s tailored to who I am as a person and professional.

If I had a job that didn’t require writing, I don’t know what I would do. I would go crazy, I imagine. I am a natural storyteller, especially through the written word, so my company had to complement that quality. When I first started Hourglass Media, which was then Hourglass Omnimedia, I tried to be everything to everyone. That included offering services I wasn’t necessarily passionate about but still good at, such as app creation. The fastest way to become unhappy is to listen to other people as you attempt to guide your own business’ path. While it’s valuable to seek insight, don’t allow someone to take the reins with your company’s direction (unless that is also what you seek). Follow your heart, and your company will be tailored to you both personally and professionally. Offer products and services that cater to your strengths and skill sets, but make sure you are passionate about it, too! (Think of things you could do every day and not get bored.) I can also work from anywhere and am able to take on projects that light my heart on fire.

I can be my own boss. 

This statement is a bit deceiving because my clients are my bosses, but for the most part, I can work and live freely without a boss constantly breathing down my neck. I enjoy collaborating, of course, but I don’t enjoy toxic work environments, political games in the workplace, and passive-aggressive tendencies. While I am far from perfect, I want Hourglass Media to be a collaborative, constructive, positive place to work. As I continue to scale the company, my focus is company culture and proactivity. I was meant to be in charge of my own company because I am a self starter and adhere to deadlines to achieve results. The worst comes out in me when I have to deal with micromanagers and inefficient leadership.

So many people believe in my dream.

So, I have a confession to make. I HATE the term self-made. While I agree I couldn’t be where I am without my own obsessive, hard work and dedication, I also couldn’t be here without the help of others. I see the term “self-made” all of the time, especially in the world of celebrities and entrepreneurs when they reach a certain financial worth or fame. …I think it is garbage. Do you mean to tell me that they have never had at least one person buy in to their dreams (either financially, emotionally, or both) to help turn them into reality? Yes, you will accumulate most of the sweat equity and make sacrifices most people won’t even know about. However, the world doesn’t see behind the scenes. You could have someone cheering you on from the sidelines as you drudge through all of the nos and incredibly difficult and lean times. You could have a mentor, life coach, a team of others working to make your company into something better and more grand-scale. So, I am not self-made. My dedication and hard work are self-induced, yes, but I couldn’t do what I do without the support and help of many. My biggest cheerleader and life coach is my husband. I honestly could not do what I do without him, and I would never belittle someone else’s help and call myself self-made. Call me crazy, but I prefer to give credit where credit is due and to remain more on the humble side. Note: If someone ever calls me self-made in a publication, I will have to issue a swift correction. ;) 

I have a platform to help others.

This is important to me because I wear my heart on my sleeve. Not only can I intentionally focus my efforts on projects I love, but I can also use my company as a springboard for change. While I am passionate about a great many things, Hourglass Media hones in on mental health, education, mentorship, and empowering people to live their best lives. I use my voice every other Tuesday in #MentalHealthMoments blog posts and every Wednesday in social media posts. I really want to help people as they struggle with wherever they are on the mental-health spectrum, and I continue to cultivate a corporate social responsibility that I can be proud of. As someone who battles anxiety and depression on a daily basis, I want to empower others to accept their mental-health conditions and learn positive coping strategies.

Happy 5th Birthday, Hourglass! 


Kaylin R. Staten, APR, is an award-winning public relations practitioner and writer based in Huntington, WV with nearly 16 years of professional communications experience. As CEO and founder of Hourglass Media, she uses her compassionate spirit and expertise to delve into the heart of clients’ stories. She is a recovering perfectionist, mental health advocate, wife, cat mom and Leia Organa aficionado. Connect with Kaylin on LinkedIn.