Posts tagged self empower
Five ways to lean into your introverted personality as a PR Pro

I wear my heart on my sleeve. As an introverted public relations practitioner, writer, and business owner, I use that to my advantage. In the coming months, content will continue to change and center on one of my favorite topics: introversion in your chosen career path. Here are five ways I use introversion to my advantage as the owner of Hourglass Media.

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Mental Health Matters: Ways to Love Yourself

One of my primary goals in 2019 is to love myself. In today’s highlight reels on social media and my tendency to put on a brave face, I sometimes forget to really give myself actual love. I love for miles and miles when it comes to other people, causes, projects — essentially, anything that is not me.

I think this derives from my brand of anxiety. The second guessing, the negative inner dialogue, the perfectionism that wades through my life like a flash flood. All of this prevents me from seeing myself in the truest light. As individuals, all of us are worthy of self-love. Here are some ways you can love yourself more.

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Mental Health Moments: Cultivating Your Own Daily Doses of Self Empowerment

I experiment with ways I can empower myself. It could be something minor, like enacting an innovative productivity hack or major or overhauling an entire line of nonconstructive thinking. Whether you have writer’s block, feel overwhelmed or just plain don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning, it could be a challenge to feel empowered. In stressful and relaxing times, here are some ways to obtain your daily doses of empowerment.

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