Posts tagged empowering women
My Five Must-Have Items In My #DFSPowerPiece Collection

What makes you feel the most confident in your skin? Which item makes a statement and is undoubtedly you? What is one thing you cannot live without? It could be a favorite piece of jewelry, blouse, color or whatever floats your boat. When you put on this item, your mood could shift for the better. You could feel more confident and ready to tackle any challenge the day throws your way.

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Five ways to lean into your introverted personality as a PR Pro

I wear my heart on my sleeve. As an introverted public relations practitioner, writer, and business owner, I use that to my advantage. In the coming months, content will continue to change and center on one of my favorite topics: introversion in your chosen career path. Here are five ways I use introversion to my advantage as the owner of Hourglass Media.

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My Favorite Hacks as A Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, I am constantly looking for ways to save time and money. So, bring on the freebies and insider tips of the communications business trade! So, here are five small business hacks that I use on a regular basis. 

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Why I Wanted To Start My Own Small Company

As many people know, I started my small business, Hourglass Media, in March 2015. At its inception, it existed only on my MacBook Pro, Nikon D5000, iPhone and a few odds and ends of backed-up files. I started this company while sitting on the floor of my childhood bedroom, with my cat, Oreo (my guardian angel cat now) stepping all over my newly established business license and IRS form printouts. I knew I had a company within me, so I started. Let me take you on a journey into my personal headspace and give you my reasons why I wanted to start my own company.

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Support Your Favorite Nonprofit on #GivingTuesday

This time of year, many organizations make their needs known, from donations of canned goods to funds to continue a plethora of programs within service areas across the world. It could get overwhelming to know which one to support. My advice to you? Follow your heart. See which causes fit your personality, values, skill set and life goals.

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