Posts tagged instagram
Best Practices for Growth on Instagram

Happy 10th birthday Instagram! Just in case you missed the social media site’s “glow up” this past decade, Instagram has now reached over one billion active users. Pretty impressive for a ten year span if you ask me! Nonetheless, Instagram has become one of the most sought after platforms for building a brand in today’s world. However, Instagram doesn’t always make it that easy. Algorithm change after algorithm change, bans, and bots can cause drops in engagement, followers, and overall numbers.

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Mental Health Moments: Alleviating FOMO

All of us have days in which our FOMO is seemingly out of control. We scroll through our Instagram feeds, only to find the perfectly curated highlight reels of celebrities, influencers and even our friends. We long to be on that same beach with the beautiful views of the sunset and a cold drink in our hands. FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, isn’t a new concept, but its presence has been heightened as social media continues to engross our daily lives. It’s the anxiety you feel when you’re missing out on something, whether it’s a party you willingly chose to not attend or the envy you feel when someone goes on that exotic vacation you’ve daydreamed about for years. Here’s how I manage FOMO in my personal and professional life:

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A Behind-The-Scenes Look Into My Writing Life

Like many writers in the world of Instagram, I participated in March’s #InstaWriMo challenge from the folks at National Novel Writing Month (#NaNoWriMo). I have never really opened up about my writing process, successes and challenges, and I found this experience to be a rewarding one. This is a Wizard-behind-the-curtain moment for me.

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