Posts tagged novel writing
How To Develop Characters For Your Novels

Character development is how your protagonist and other characters respond to internal and external obstacles. Depending on your story’s theme, you will also want to consider how that, as well as the rest of your story’s trajectory, affects your character’s growth throughout his or her journey. Here are some tips to ensure that you’re developing your character in myriad ways and doing your story justice.

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What To Remember If You Want To Self-Publish

Happy #NaNoWriMo! If you’re en route to writing a book this November, I commend you for your efforts and wish you the best on your journey! I have completed the #NaNoWriMo challenge once, in 2017, and I know what an amazing feeling it can be to finish 50,000 words or more! Here are five things to remember if you decide to self-publish your own works.

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Using the 8 Elements of a Story in Your Narratives

As November comes to a close, I’m sure you’re revisiting your projects’ word counts and diligently trying to reach all of your writing goals and objectives. If you’re like me, then that means that you didn’t meet your goal (*gasp*), and you’re faced with establishing a newer, stricter goal measurements in December and beyond. These eight elements will strengthen your story and cause you to geek out just like me when you lose yourself amongst books.

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Five Things Writers Need to STOP Doing

I curate and cultivate a living by telling stories. There are so many stories we hold back out of fear or another constraint. We don’t want to hurt those close to us, reopen old wounds, be seen as less than who we are… the list can go on and on if we let it. My hope is that these following tips will help you as you navigate #NaNoWriMo and other writing projects. Let’s make an effort to STOP these five things!

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Mental Health Moments: Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone To Tell Your Story

What is one story you want to tell if fear wasn’t in your way?  Oh, my friend. Do you have all afternoon? I have quite the mental list. I’ve been keeping it for years! Own your process and your story. Choose parts of it to tell, if you’re like me and don’t want to tell everything all at once. There is someone somewhere who needs it. Even if just one person relates to me, I will feel 1,000 percent honored. 

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Three #NaNoWriMo Tips To Help You With Major Writing Projects

Whether you are tackling your word count on a daily basis, or you aren’t sure where to start, I want to give you some practical tips to reach that coveted 50,000 word count during #NaNoWriMo. Even if you aren’t writing a novel this month, you can still use these tips when you have a large writing project. Most of us will have those in our communications fields, from annual report content and a string of blog posts to case study recaps and tailored sponsorship letters.

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A Behind-The-Scenes Look Into My Writing Life

Like many writers in the world of Instagram, I participated in March’s #InstaWriMo challenge from the folks at National Novel Writing Month (#NaNoWriMo). I have never really opened up about my writing process, successes and challenges, and I found this experience to be a rewarding one. This is a Wizard-behind-the-curtain moment for me.

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Five Tips To Help You Start Your First Novel

As National Novel Writing Month (or #NaNoWriMo) comes to a close, you’re probably either ready to pull out your hair or have conquered the near-impossible task of finishing the first draft of your novel. This is my first year officially participating in NaNoWriMo. Read these writing tips for first-time novel authors.

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