Posts tagged social media
Mental Health Moments: Reasons To Keep Your Kids Off Social Media

I spent all of 2020 to this point with a little human growing inside me, and now, he’s here. My husband and I are over the moon in love with our son. Anyone who knows us knows that fact. Before we grew our family, we made a decision not many millennial parents in the digital age make: we decided to keep our future children off social media.

Here are four reasons you may want to keep your children off social media.

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Mental Health Moments: Learning to Break Up With Social Media As A PR Pro

How do you lessen your social media usage as a public relations pro when you want to focus more on your mental health? After all, we are expected to manage our own digital footprints and those of others, so it’s challenging to not have some sort of social media persona. I feel so much happier because of this decision to not post as much. Here are some ways that you can use social media for business purposes but begin to “break up” with it personally.

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Top PR Trends to Watch in 2020

Coming into the third month of 2020, it makes me wonder what lies ahead for the PR world. What will be the next big thing in this industry? Public relations trends are ever-changing, as is the world as a whole. So as a PR professional, it’s always good to stay ahead of the game. So, here are some trends that I see changing the PR playbook in 2020.

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Facebook Best Practices To Remember As You Create Content

With the seemingly daily changes to Facebook’s algorithm, you may find your content (especially on business pages) to fall victim to more “popular” or paid posts. With the social media arena becoming more vital to our digital footprints, how can you make sure you are creating and sharing quality content that your followers want to read and calls to action that actually work?

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Ethical Considerations on Social Media

This may seem like common sense, but think before you post. Your reputation could be harmed with a single press of send or an off-the-cuff remark on someone else’s photo. When an answer isn’t cut and dry, I refer to the Public Relations Society of America’s Code of Ethics and resources page. Social media is here to stay, no matter your opinion on it. As companies, all of us can greatly benefit from the organic and paid exposure social media grants us. Whether you’re a communicator by trade or just a social media aficionado, here are five ethical considerations you should think about before you post.

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Public Relations Ethics and the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica Scandal

No matter your political opinion, you should be concerned about the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica breach. What is the main takeaway from this debacle? For communications pros, it’s simple: Be ethical in everything you do. 

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#LoveNotes from Our Small Business to Yours From #behindthehourglass

During the month of February, Hourglass Omnimedia posted #lovenotes about the business. See the gallery of images and read this blog to see some of our main loves. Despite the ebbs and flows of the business, there are three main reasons why I love having my own business. Special appearance by our baby muse!

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Welcome to the *new* #behindthehourglass blog!

Public relations is a way of life for us. That is why we are going #behindthehourglass to delve into local to international strategies and tactics, as well as the latest industry standards. Stay tuned. We will begin our blog in 2017!

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