Posts tagged apr
What Are The Page Principles?

Arthur W. Page was a vice president and director of AT&T from 1927 to 1947. Known as “The Father of Corporate Public Relations,” Page revolutionized public relations practices and turned AT&T’s then-negative press around. The founders of the Arthur W. Page Society created these seven principles so the association's members -- and communicators in general -- could have tenets in which to practice public relations with honor and ethics. 

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Signature Course: Telling Stories Through A Holistic Public Relations Approach AVAILABLE NOW!

Unveiling the heart of stories is our way of life at Hourglass Media. It’s more than just a mission statement and a statement of being. We live and breathe stories, whether it’s reading the latest strategies in an industry publication or sitting with a client and brainstorming new messaging. That is what led me to craft my first signature course, “Telling Stories Through A Holistic Public Relations Approach.” In this course, students will learn how to confidently create, plan, execute and evaluate their stories through tried-and-true public relations practices.

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Five Tips To Help You During The APR Process

The Accreditation in Public Relations, or APR, is more than just a certification. It showcases a practitioner’s expertise and devotion to everyday principles of public relations. It sets you apart from your peers, and in some cases, the “APR” at the end of your name could mean more money or that dream position you’ve always coveted. My APR journey was riddled with aha moments, heart-racing panic sessions and what-if statements. April is APR Month, so I wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to the APR process. If you’re considering adding the APR to your goal list, here are a few takeaways from my year-long experience.

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#behindthehourglass Highlights from 2018

In many ways, 2018 was the Year of Realizations #behindthehourglass. As our company continues to grow, we learn just as much from missteps as we do from successes. 2018 brought new partnerships and opportunities, as well as learning experiences to continue to build our company. I’m naturally reflective in December and January, so I’ve outlined five Hourglass Media highlights from 2018. There are so many to choose from, but as the sentimental CEO, I narrowed it down to five takeaways to bring into the New Year and beyond.

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